Thursday, September 16, 2010

This is How I Found My Boy

The poor boy fell asleep in the car driving from speech to school. I woke him to take Reese inside, then as soon as we got home I put him in his crib for a real nap. I heard him talking to his animals and books for a LONG time. Finally about 2:20 he was totally quiet. At 3:20 I went to rouse Gus from his nap so we could pick up Reese at school. This is what I discovered:
Seriously?!? Gus took his diaper off!!! Luckily it was clean as was the bed. I would've had to toss a pooped on cow had he actually gone.

1 comment:

Susana said...

Heather, when I saw this post come through my reader a couple days ago I was cracking up! This is the funniest sleep picture I've ever seen and it's awesome you were able to capture it:-).

Poor little guy, his naps are all messed up with his car rides.