Saturday, May 22, 2010


About 100 years ago we bought a playground and we finally started building it! The reviews recommended labeling all the parts first so I spent what seemed like forever in 80 degree weather doing that so Kyle and his Dad could start work.
Whew look at all that back breaking work going on! Ha ha!
It was ridiculously hot. I tried to lay Reese down for a nap on the couch in the man room in the basement. I went back out to work for awhile and then came back to check on him. This is what I found:

One sweet boy asleep on the basement stairs. He had a little rhino coating impression on his forehead and elbows. I moved him to a more comfy place!
It has been raining every opportunity we've had to work on the playground so it hasn't gotten any farther than that. I'm hoping it will be done by the beginning of June so we can start having playdates at our house!


Joyce said...

Awwwww. Cute boy.

JessieLeigh said...

That is so very precious. My kids don't transfer well at ALL so, I have to admit, I may have left them there... ;)

Our Homeschool Fun said...

I hope this happens and your boys enjoy it! We got one for Joe on his 3rd bday and we are still loving it.

Precious picture too:-).