Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Finally I am getting around to posting! We enjoyed a lovely Christmas break. Reese had off from school starting 12/21/10 and Kyle had off of work starting the 24th. Over the break the boys and I joined some friends at the Hands on Museum. We enjoyed Christmas Eve with Gigi and Grandad. We spent Christmas day with Mimi, Poppop, Uncle Travis and Uncle Dylan. Kyle painted the kitchen ceiling and changed our light fixture. It is an unattractive fluorescent rectangle, but finally I can see!!! The boys and I went to an indoor playplace with my friend and her boys. Kyle and I went with my friend and her husband to the shooting range.  We went with Kyle's parents to see True Grit at the theater. We had a Twilight Saga movie fest. 
Then Kyle got sick and missed the first 3 days back to work, but Reese returned to school. Poor Gus' sleeping schedule is all messed up! But due to the sickness I made a number of homemade soups and we discovered we really like it. Which is so helpful towards one of our new year's goals.

2011 Goals 
  • Don't eat out less
  • Do not go to Walmart/Target/Costco every single week. Normally we go every Tuesday so we can buy the blu-rays we want, since we're out we eat out and we browse the store spending WAY more than we normally would
  • Build our emergency fund to have at least $5000 at any given moment
  • Pay off at least half of our heat pump-we currently owe $14,000
  • Cut grocery bill by utilizing batch cooking/freezer meals instead of throwing away leftovers or eating out. 
  • Cut grocery bill by eating homemade soup for at least 3 meals per month
  • Cut grocery bill by eating at least 3 bean dishes per month
  • Eat at least one meatless meal per week (not including soup/bean meals)
  • Exercise at least twice a week
  • Join a bookclub (this is for Heather only)
  • Get family photos at least quarterly---last year's monthly goal did not happen at all!!! The above Christmas photo was the only one since January that we got in 2010. 
  • Participate in Organizing Junkie's 52 weeks of Organizing
  • Get all photos properly stored
 I am really hoping to stick to the plan for the new year. For some reason time always seems way to short for everything we want to do.

1 comment:

The White House said...

Define "properly storing all photos" -- what do you exactly mean by that, nonscrapbooker?