Christmas morning we inteneded to get up and have breakfast, showers and such and head over to Mimi and Poppop's by noon. Gus got Mommy up FOUR TIMES to eat in the night. Though Daddy slept blissfully unaware he didn't wake up until 11:07am. SO we had to rush around, no shower, no breakfast. Then when we got there I realized my camera was in the car over night and a bit no photos of gift opening. Once my camera warmed up we got a few.
Mommy and Reese. He's distracted by the candy cane so no "CHEESE" with his eyes squeezed shut for the camera.
Gus is tuckered out before we even have dinner.
Saturday we spent the day at home playing with new toys. At dinner time we headed over to Kyle's parents for leftovers from their Christmas Day dinner. They had smoked turkey and ham with their neighbors and Kyle's grandparents and had oodles left, so we stuffed ourselves one more time. Sunday Daddy got help from Poppop to fix some problems with our drywall in the living room--totally forgot to take pictures. It will require a repaint so we're changing from the chocolate brown we've had for 3 years to a new color. :( I really like the chocolate, but Kyle has been desperate to switch to a more washable paint since about 3 minutes after we finished the first time in 2006. We figure if we're going to the trouble to change we may as well go for the gusto. So expect photos later in the week of the paint project.