Saturday, June 26, 2010

Angus Robert "Gus" turns ONE!

Gus was born one year ago today. After about a zillion appointments with my regular OB, perinatologist and NST visits we made it to my scheduled c-section at 38 weeks 0 days. They took Gus to the nursery while my surgery was finishing up. Kyle went with him to do the ceremonious cutting of the cord and oversee the first bath and whatever else they did. I told him to make sure we got the right baby back! They brought him almost immediately after I got wheeled back to my roon. I didn't even have time to make up on yet! I am still looking super puffy, but he looks so darn cute with his hand on his cheek.
This photo was taken when he was about 2 hours old, dressed and waiting for the grandparents to arrive. The cow suit never got on, just the hat. This was our joke to help the grandparents get over the name Angus. Gus was 6 pounds 9 ounces, 19 inches long.

Just one lightening fast year later he's about 18 ish pounds (on the home scale). He has gotten one tooth on the bottom. He drinks adequately from a sippy cup. He eats like a champ anything and everything. He loves playing with whatever Reese has, especially Buzz Lightyear who he hold over his head to make him fly. It is so cute.
For his birthday we went out to dinner at Red Robin. Here he is craning his neck to see the singers.

Grabbing at his ice cream sundae with gusto!

The first handful of birthday whipped cream!!

Then we hit Nordstrom to buy some summer sandals that can get wet like keen's but his feet were too little and the stride rites were just ugly. So only Reese got new shoes. The Elmos and the dinosaur Vans have to be retired. He's moving on to his orange addidas--he picked these out himself. However his first choice was a 69.95 pair which we did not buy--my boy likes his shoes!!

Once we got home Gus tried to climb into the tub with Reese, so in he went. (because of his excema he's not supposed to use soap or bubble bath, only cetaphil) He had a grand old time playing in the tub. Here he's sporting his Santa look.
I can not believe my sweet baby is getting so big...ONE YEAR OLD! He is trying to walk already so any day he'll officially stop being our baby and become a toddler...sniff, sniff. We love this little cutie!! He is so sweet and easy going and snuggly!! Happy Birthday sweet boy!!


Julie said...

Happy Birthday, Gus!! He is a little cutie! (So are you thinking about a third yet???? ;0)

JessieLeigh said...

Happy Birthday, Gus! So hard to believe your mommy and I each had our own Baby G a whole YEAR ago now. Amazing! Love all the cute shots... especially the bubble beard. :)