Thursday, November 5, 2009

Book Basket

I'm sad Halloween is over and we'll be putting away our cute Halloween books!! For the past few weeks we've had a stack of books moving from the couch to the ottoman to Reese's picnic table to the floor. Annoying! But I want them in the living room instead of on Reese's bookshelf in his room so we can grab one readily throughout the day.
We've been reading:
Apple Trouble, Alphabet Adventure, Bat Jamboree, Big Chickens Fly the Coop, Go Away Big Green Monster, Goodnight Moon, The Halloween Play, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, If you give a pig a pancake, Llama Llama Red Pajama, Mouse's First Fall, SkippyJon Jones and the Big Bones, TRex Trick or Treats, Wee Witches Halloween.

My new organized plan is to have the books we are concentrating on in a basket in the living room. This way they are tidy and easy to access.For the next few weeks we'll read: A was once an apple pie, Apple Trouble, Biscuit is Thankful, Edwurd Fudwupper fibbed big, Froggy bakes a cake, Froggy goes to bed, Go away big green monster, goodnight moon, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, I know an old lady who swallowed a pie, If animals kissed goodnight, If you give a mouse a cookie, llama llama red pajama, mouse's first fall, one little two little three little pilgrims, T is for turkey, Twas the night before Thanksgiving, and Who's the Beast?

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