Thursday, July 15, 2010


Both boys got Legos duplos for their birthdays. Lately they have been playing with them together. Gus goes into Reese's room and dumps them out. He mostly checks out a few, gives them a taste test and then just watches what Reese does.Today he provided a little musical accompaniment. (Seriously, have you seen a cuter boy?)
It is so nice that they are getting to ages where they can play nicely together. I'm thinking it will be soon when they can nicely play together and I can get the floor mopped or some other household task that's currently being ignored. Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Susana said...

Gus is adorable in that picture. We love duplos too. It's funny you posted this, I put Jack's duplo fun in my homeschool post tonight too:).

Yes, it is wonderful when they start playing together!