Gus manned the life preserver.

They both spent a good bit of time rock loading.

We fiddled with the water table for awhile, but honestly I don't like getting wet or smelling like chlorine.

In the theater area the costumes were a hit for the first time ever. Normally we just play with the stage sound buttons. Both boys gave these wooden shoes a whirl.

Gus drove the delivery truck while Reese worked on "washing" it. I didn't get a picture of him but he was very thorough with his scrub and rinse.

It always cracks me up that they insist on putting their seat belt on. Reese also really likes talking into the cb radio while driving. hmmm....we'll have to make sure to nip that in the bud before he gets his driver's license.

We spent some time in the kitchen. Gus especially loves to cook. He's so funny toddling around with his pans.

Reese did a great job wearing his glasses. Finally he's wearing them for the large chunks of time. He traded them in for work goggles here.
I completely forgot to take any photos when we took Uncle Dylan out to dinner. We dropped off some food supplies and a microwave for his dorm and then headed off to Red Robin for some dinner.
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