On the morning of Christmas a mere 5 hours after completing the wrapping and building of toys we had Christmas at home. Gus got us up to eat and then started us off with the first present.

Gus with his sensory balls.
Then I got the video camera and woke up Reese...I figured if Gus was up we may as well get the show on the road.

Reese tried out his wagon from Grandpa Joe in Virginia.

His "vroom vroom" like Poppop's was a big hit.

He seems pretty happy with his Cars car mat/rug, but we don't think the pictures are very clear so we're going to exchange it fot the Hot Wheels car mat/rug.

Gus got a glorified cat toy, made big enough for a human baby in his stocking. He also got a cool mirror thing for his car seat carrier and a black and white plastic bath book type thing that you can add photos to later.

Reese got Cars in his stocking...the 4 hot rod cars: Snot Rod, Boost, DJ and Wingo. This is what he asked for when he sat on Santa's lap at Holly Ridge's Christmas party.

I promise there were no biting animals hidden down in there.

He ooed and aahhhed over every single Cars toy he got.....

and he got a ridiculous amount. I wish we had stock in Pixar.

Gus really got into the unwrapping too.

He was pretty googly eyed over his "old skool" Fisher Price farm.

Reese just opened bath crayons, but can't put down his
Spotlight Lorry from Thomas the Train. After this he guessed every package was going to be a choo choo.

Reese loves his football. He frequently runs around the house yelling "hut, hut, hut" and then head butts me in the butt.

He thinks these dinosaur puppets are funny, but he won't put his own hand inside. Hopefully he'll warm up to them.

Still has the spotlight lorry in hand while opening something else he's excited about.

Cars bedding!!!

Gus' loot.

Reese's loot but I didn't round up the spotlight lorry and cherry picker from Thomas the Train or his 22 Cars or 2 Haulers. If you've been in a store selling toys you know what they look like. Then you saw the shared wagon and the 2 bean bags in the last post.
SO after what seemed like an eternity of unwrapping but what was really only about an hour we had a big hearty breakfast. Then Reese spent a couple of hours playing with his new toys while we got ready to spend Christmas Eve afternoon/evening with Kyle's parents.
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