Sunday, January 11, 2009

Menul Plan Monday

If you haven't been doing menu plan monday this is the week to start. Laura at OrgJunkie is the host of this helpful tool and she has a great giveaway this week. All you have to do is post your menu plan to be eligible. We ended up eating at Kyle's parents tonight and we had so much leftovers we never got to spaghetti last week either. I forgot to mention last week's menu required NO SHOPPING. Everything was from what was already in the freezer and pantry. This week I needed whipping cream and that was it. WOO HOO! Of course we still shopped for milk, bread, bananas, apples, coffee creamer and salad fixings. I really try to avoid the need to freeze my bread because the counter isn't big enough fo rthe toaster so it's stored out of my reasonable reach. So really we always have to make extra trips for milk, bread and fresh produce. Anyway, on to this week!
Monday: 15 bean soup and veggie burgers
Tuesday: leftovers
Wednesday: Chicken Tetrazini (recipe to come tomorrow) and brussel sprouts
Thursday: BBQ chicken, sweet potato fries and green beans
Friday: burritos
Saturday: out to eat with Kyle's grandparents
Sunday: leftovers -- or eating with the grandparents (if they are still here)

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