Reese discovered he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to sweep. The problem is he doesn't want to stay in the kitchen. Unfortunately brooms don't move very well on carpet. Another problem is the broom doesn't go with him under the table well either. So after an endless number of emotional breakdowns over the frustratingly uncooperative broom we had to hide it in the basement. As much as I'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE someone else to sweep the cat litter 50 times a day I couldn't take the tears and screaming anymore.

He also has discovered he really enjoys playing with balloons. We went to my friend's son, Liam's, 3rd birthday party last Friday. The balloons were his favorite thing. He also quite enjoyed the tooth rottingly sweet cake.

On Sunday we went to El Sombrero for Mimi and Uncle Dylan's birthdays. We have been going here forever and they put sombreros on you and take your photo with a Polaroid (or similar brand) photo. They stopped making the film so no more photos!! I took this one, but the lighting is weird.

Reese was not happy with the birthday singing crew.

On Thursday we went to the police station down from our house with a Bremerton mommies group my friend linked up with. It was really a tour for much older kids, but I was curious to see the inside of the new building and I ran into an old friend. So I enjoyed it. Then we went to Noah's Ark for lunch where Charlie and John Paul were super well behaved and Reese was a BEAST! In this photo Charlie and Reese are investigating the memorabilia case. He wore his glasses the whole time! We walked from our house to the station I swear uphill both ways!

I added the recipe for
Chicken and Pork Risotto that I didn't get to on MPM.
****Gas was only $1.99 at Costco tonight. Can it be real or did I just roll back 6 years?