We dropped Daddy at the airport and then hit Southcenter mall, just in case Daddy had any problems and needed us to come back to the airport "wink, wink" (not that we would actually want to shop or anything.) We removed the stroller to make plenty of room for Daddy's stuff. This boy is getting heavy!! So when I saw the info desk with a million strollers I got one--for free! And do you see this fascinating steering wheel--it's the coolest invention ever! Reese was pretty much riveted to the steering wheel thing for about 30 minutes. Then he was ready for a nap so we hopped in the car and slept all the way to Bremerton.
Thursday was mommies' group. The babies are starting to actually play with each other. Lots of giant open mouthed kisses on the eye ball or the back of a head--so they aren't super coordinated yet, but they seem to get the idea that they are supposed to be friends. Even though it snowed Wednesday night and twice during Mommies on Thursday and again on Friday (these are the occasions I witnessed, there could have been more snow episodes) I figured it's about time to plant so I better get busy.
Here's our starters for grape tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, green bell peppers, butternut squash and brussell sprouts. We're also going to have green beans, carrots and zucchini, but their packages did not say to start them indoors. So hopefully we'll have a lot of veggies. I wanted to plant 3 rows of green peppers because we use a lot of them, but the seed packets are very inconsistent. The peppers had barely enough to do two rows, while the brussell sprouts had about a million seeds. The butternut squash had literally 16 seeds....pretty skimpy I think. But whatever, we'll see how it goes and make notes for next year. I'm hoping to have enough tomatoes that we won't need to buy diced tomatoes in a can...saving that $4 a case at costco could be a gallon of gas!!!
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