Sunday, December 9, 2007


We left our tree tied up until we got it into the stand. We figured it would be easier to get it in the door and we'd lose less needles.

Reese was very unsure about the whole thing before we added lights. He'd grab a branch then kind of flick his fingers and make a whiny groan in the back of his throat. I guess he wasn't liking the texture. Once the lights were up he was more interested. Ignore my non-matching pj pants.

Okay so no ornaments yet but I couldn't wait to take pictures. The flash makes it look like the room lights are on. I can't figure out how to fix that. We got new LED lights from Costco, which look super cool though you can't really get the effect in the photo. Also if we take them out of storage next year and find they don't work Costco will replace them!! Woo Hoo!! This is the view from the front door.

This is the view withthe living room to my left and front door to the right.

And this is the cutest boy!

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